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About Us

Due to the lack of quality based smoothies and freshly made organic food items, Jesus and his best friend came up with the idea to start up a business on the Sunday's farmers market in Calexico. To Jesus' surprise, it was an instant success and a year later he opened up a food truck. Going around Imperial Valley's favorite spots offering his freshly made food and smoothies to the public. Today, Shake & Wake is open in El Centro and offers a quick, efficient & convenient drive-thru service. To this date, you can catch Jesus serving up smoothies! As some of you may refer to him, don't forget to say hello to "The Shake and Wake Guy".

They say the best things come when you least expect them. The Shake and Wake truck was one of those things. Us Calexicans weren’t expecting it and not even the young entrepreneur, Jesus Ruvalcaba. He had not planned to start his own business with something so simple that he enjoyed making every day. Simple yet amazing. This amazing idea began with a suggestion from his friend. They discussed names and even though his friend shut down his first idea for the name Jesus liked it and he kept it. A seed had been planted that day. A seed that would later flourish into the truck we now know as Shake and Wake.
The smoothies began selling at the farmers market on January 2014. The reaction of the customers encouraged Jesus to take it a step higher. With the help of friends and family, he established the truck by April 2015. Along the way he faced some obstacles but that didn’t stop him.
In less than a year his life changed. Jesus learned about hard work, responsibility and the world of business. His goal is, “To bring awareness to what people put in their bodies.” He wants to encourage people to know exactly what they eat and that is why he provides a handwritten list of the ingredients used in the shakes and teas he sells.
Jesus says, “I don’t work for pay. I’m working to start something different in the community that benefits everyone.” (Taken from an Interview from Miclx at